How to paint you aluminum engine parts. Also an up date on the Down & Out chopper build

November 03, 2014 1 min read

Hi Folks, Here is the third and final video of the series. Here I show you  from primer to final paint.

Thanks for watching.


Hi Folks, see the second video in the series on painting your side aluminum side covers. This video is the primer stage of the project. Enjoy.....


Hi folks,

 I've published  a video on painting your engine parts. All of us has aluminum parts that are corroded or chrome parts that are pitted. Or we are just plain tired of constantly polishing our aluminum parts to keep them shiny.

 In this video I am going over the process to repair and paint these parts. This is a series so the videos aren't too long. In the first part is prep.

 This is also part of my Down & Out chopper build as well. Check out Video #1

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